Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Stelvio Pass, Italy

Obviously vehicle restrictions were ignored.  Maximum height (11 feet) and length (35 feet) limits.


  1. Why are you still using feet ?

    The entire world * stopped using the Imperial measuring system decades ago.

    Do you post for USA citizens only ?

    The Imperial system, which is based on the size of a British king's foot, is unfathomable ** to 95% of the world's population, and truly, you say you got rid of the British a long time ago.

    Italy has never used the Imperial British measuring system (nor does Britain anymore)

    * The entire world except Liberia, Myanmar and the USA, lol.
    ** The word unfathomable is based on a fathom, which is 72 inches or 6 feets, 6 feets is one eleventh of a chain, which itself is one tenth of a furlong, and that is one eighth of a mile, and that mile is 1609.344 metres (the word meter means a measuring device, the word metre means a thousand millimetres or a hundred centimetres ... look up the word centimetre on Google and you will see it ends with re, not er) it is really so much simpler to just...use...the...metric...system.
    *** Only centipedes should be measured in feets.
    **** And feets of strength maybe.

  2. >Do post for USA citizens only?

    No, of course not. You make a good point. I will make an effort in the future to list both systems of measure when it is appropriate.
